Berlin – September 23, 2015

Ladan Yalzadeh wrote:

Sweet Maria,

I write to you from Berlin.

I now know of your dear mother's passing. Words fail in this case. All I can say is that I love you.

That I hope her loss, much like her life, continues to enrich your life. And know that you have another sister in me.

All my love 



Dear Ladan,

Thank you for this note, and more importantly, thank you for sharing so generously

your advice after going through the same thing with your Mom. I took your words

to heart and after our dinner I just spent all my time with Mom and I am so grateful.

I hope you are doing okay and enjoying your time in Berlin and I look forward to seeing you when you're back.

Much love,


Los Angeles-September 22, 2015

Los Angeles – September 25, 2015